
How Dynamics Business Central Connects with Your Office Tools

 MRP (Material Requirement Planning) and MRP II (Manufacturing Resource Planning) were introduced in the 1900s. These technologies allowed companies to digitize only specific industry tasks like bookkeeping and support services. ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) was once used mainly in the labor-intensive manufacturing sector. However, it has now become a critical part of managing an organization

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A Brief History of ERP

From a commercial standpoint, enterprise resource planning has evolved beyond production operations management. It is unavoidable for businesses to encounter unforeseen circumstances. Thus, ERP has moved technologically from a more rigid, tiered client-server architecture to a more flexible one. ERP systems are built on a shared database that supports many functions and is accessible to

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What is Transportation Management? What Every Enterprise Should Know:

Transportation is moving people or things from one place to another. For several years, transportation has been a flourishing industry for tourists in several countries. In addition, the service industry continues to grow as an accommodating sector in the trade. It includes expanding small businesses locally and co-transport for travel and tours. It is crucial

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Co je třeba zvážit před přezouváním na zimní pneumatiky

Když budete brzy potřebovat přezout z letních pneumatik na zimní pneumatik, je dobré zvážit několik věcí. Kdo bude měnit pneumatiky? Máte již v plánu provést výměnu pneuservisu? Nebo plánujete výměnu pneumatik sami? Často je vhodné nechat to vyměnit odborníky, zvláště pokud nemáte správné vybavení. Kde máš teď pneumatiky? Pokud máte pneumatiky uskladněné v pneuservisu, je

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